Стипендия для молодых ученых в Центре садового искусства и ландшафтной архитектуры (Ганновер) - заявки до 15.11.2013

Коллеги из замечательного германского учреждения - Центра садового искусства и ландшафтной архитектуры, расположенного рядом с великим садом Херренхаузена (Ганновер) расширяют сферу своей деятельности и объявили конкурс на стипендию для молодых специалистов.


Centre for Garden Art and Landscape Architecture (CGL), Leibniz
Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Bewerbungsschluss: 15.11.2013

The Friends of Herrenhausen Gardens wish to announce, for the first
time, the 2014 "Herrenhausen Research Fellowship", inviting academics
around the world to apply. It is under the patronage of the Friends'
Board of Trustees. The realisation of the fellowship programme will be
supervised academically by the Centre for Garden Art and Landscape
Architecture (CGL) of the Leibniz
University of Hannover.

It is a two-month fellowship that is to be awarded for excellence in
research into garden history. A monthly grant of 1,000 Euros is offered,
plus reimbursement of the costs of arrival and departure and of
accommodation. The fellowship is to be fulfilled in the period between 1
June and 30 September 2014.

The CGL offers the opportunity for an interchange of ideas with other
scholars and will provide a place of work. As part of the fellowship,
the academic guest will be expected to deliver a talk - one of a series
of talks at the Herrenhausen Summer Academy - and to make the results of
the fellowship available to the Friends of Herrenhausen Gardens in
publishable form (40,000 to 80,000 characters; by the end of the year).
It is intended to publish the results of the fellowship programme

Academics who have been awarded a doctoral degree (end of the award
process should not be more than 7 years ago) may apply. The research
topic should be devoted to the international history of garden culture
and garden art in an interdisciplinary context. The proposed research
topic can be taken from a research project that has already started.

In the course of the fellowship, the fellow will be expected to make use
of Hannover's scientific institutions such as the university library of
the Leibniz University of Hannover (e.g. the Haupt Collection and the
Hennebo Collection) as well as the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library
(with the Herrenhausen Royal Garden Library, the Leibniz Estate and
further collections in the State and Research Library) for his or her

For information on holdings in Hannover's institutions relevant to
research, please refer to the CGL brochure "Hannover als Standort
gartenhistorischer Forschung", available from www.cgl.uni-hannover.de

The application papers must contain:
- A written description of the research topic (maximum of 1,500 words)
that reveals the project's scientific significance and gives an insight
into the work planned for the stay in Hannover.

- An explanation of how, if relevant, the scientific institutions in
Hannover are intended to be used for the project.

- A written CV (maximum of 1,000 words)

- Two letters of recommendation from recognised academics in the
research field of the history of garden culture (the letters of
recommendation should be posted directly to the CGL).

Closing date for applications is 15 November 2013.
Applications can be submitted in German or English.

Applications are to be sent via email to:
Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL)
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Herrenhäuser Straße 8
30419 Hannover

(Please direct questions regarding the Herrenhausen Research Fellowship
to the CGL office, Dr. Sabine Albersmeier, 0511/7625789,

A commission appointed by the Friends of Herrenhausen Gardens will reach
a decision about the submitted applications. The decision will be
communicated to the applicants within two months of the closing date.

Dr. Dietrich Hoppenstedt
(for the Board of Friends of Herrenhausen Gardens)

Sepp D. Heckmann
(for the Managing Committee of Friends of Herrenhausen Gardens)

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn
(for the CGL's Board of Governors,Leibniz University of Hannover)

Leibniz Universität Hannover
Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL)
Herrenhäuser Str. 8, D-30419 Hannover
+49 (0) 511 762 5789
+49 (0) 511 762 5693

Homepage http://www.cgl.uni-hannover.de

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